Help & FAQ
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How will my order ship?
Most of our packaging is shipped flat to optimize shipping costs; however it requires minor assembly upon arrival.
Can you ship my packaging to multiple destinations?
Customers often request their shipments to be delivered directly to their fulfillment centers and a smaller quantity to be shipped to other locations. As part of our service, our Product Specialists work closely with our Logistics Team to help schedule and organize your shipments.
What shipping method should I choose?
ou don't have to choose which shipping to use when working with Baomi!
What is the process of getting my packaging made?
The process of getting your packaging made differs from project to project due to individual needs. While the steps differ from project to project, our typical process consists of the following stages:
How do I get a quote?
We want to accommodate your needs as best as we can! Therefore we offer a few easy ways for you to request a quote from us.
How do I place a reorder?
To initiate a reorder, kindly establish communication with your assigned Product Specialist, who assisted you during your initial order placement. Alternatively, you can direct any inquiries regarding reordering to, where a dedicated Product Specialist will be pleased to provide further assistance.
Can I change the design once the order has been placed?
Upon the approval of your final proof, please be aware that changing the design may not be possible, as your order might have already progressed to the mass production stage.
What is your minimum order quantity?
Our MOQs (minimum order quantity) is based on the cost of tooling and setup for our factories to produce your custom packaging. Since these MOQs are set for the benefit of our customers to help save on costs, it is not recommended to go below our MOQs listed below.
How do I prepare my files for print?
When you receive your custom dieline, there are some guidelines and recommendations to follow to ensure your packaging prints out crisp, clean, and aligned.
What are the artwork submission requirements?
For optimal printing results, please refer to the artwork submission guidelines outlined in the link below. All artwork must be set up as CMYK for print with a 1/8" bleed. All fonts must be outlined to prevent being replaced by a default font, and all links must be embedded within the artwork. All images must be at least 300 ppi for optimal printing. We do not make corrections or alterations to customer artwork. It is the customer's responsibility to ensure that artwork submission guidelines have been properly followed. You may choose to proceed to production in disregard of these guidelines at your own risk.